The build for the July 27, 2024 maps is currently in progress. Building map: United States

Australia, New Zealand and Oceania

Australia, Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu
screenshot from GPS showing map of Australia, New Zealand and Oceania


  • Driving directions
  • Address search
  • Searchable POIs
  • Updated weekly
BitTorrent Downloads
Map for SD Card
• 549.7 MB
Installer for BaseCamp and MapSource
• 529.5 MB
Direct Downloads
Make a donation to enable direct downloads and gmap for BaseCamp.
Map for SD Card
• 549.7 MB
Installer for BaseCamp and MapSource
• 529.5 MB
gmap for BaseCamp
• 566.4 MB
Latest Map Improvements
  • Fixed problem with chip sealed roads. These roads are now treated as paved.
  • Removed reference prefix to store names.
  • Improved address search for some edge cases.
  • Added sidewalks and footways where bikes are allowed.
  • Improved address search in Australian Capital Territory (ACT).
Improve this Map
Correct errors in the OpenStreetMap data