The build for the July 27, 2024 maps is currently in progress. Building map: United States

Southeast Asia

Brunei, Cambodia, East Timor / Timor-Leste, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam
Labels and names in this map are in English or written with English letters.
screenshot from GPS showing map of Southeast Asia


  • Driving directions
  • Address search
  • Searchable POIs
  • Updated weekly
BitTorrent Downloads
Map for SD Card
• 1.3 GB
Installer for BaseCamp and MapSource
• 1.2 GB
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Map for SD Card
• 1.3 GB
Installer for BaseCamp and MapSource
• 1.2 GB
gmap for BaseCamp
• 1.3 GB
Latest Map Improvements
  • Fixed problem with chip sealed roads. These roads are now treated as paved.
  • Removed reference prefix to store names.
  • Improved address search for some edge cases.
  • Added sidewalks and footways where bikes are allowed.
  • Removed benches from map to decrease size.
Improve this Map
Correct errors in the OpenStreetMap data