Germany, Austria and Switzerland

Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein, Switzerland
Help make this map better by correcting a few problems directly in OpenStreetMap. Your changes will automatically be included in next week's map.
No Right Turn
Turn restriction (no_right_turn) 55441245) ways don't connect
Only Straight Ahead
Turn restriction (only_straight_on) 11006028 (at check: 'via' way(s) are used in only_straight_on restriction
Only Left Turn
Turn restriction (only_left_turn) 10150933 (at check: 'via' way(s) are used in only_left_turn restriction
No Straight Ahead
Turn restriction (no_straight_on) 8795419 (at lacks 'to' way
No Left Turn
Turn restriction (no_left_turn) 331540385) ways don't connect
No Right Turn
Turn restriction (no_right_turn) 12937128 (at has more than 6 via nodes, this is not supported
Only Straight Ahead
Turn restriction (only_straight_on) 12936992 (at check: 'via' way(s) are used in only_straight_on restriction
Only Straight Ahead
Turn restriction (only_straight_on) 9585073 (at check: 'via' way(s) are used in only_straight_on restriction